Some basic information about "Georgia"

1) Travelling time in flight between Chennai - Tbilisi or Tbilisi - Chennai is around eight hours excluding the waiting hours!

2) Time difference between India and Tbilisi is exactly one-hour and thirty minutes, i.e. when it is 10:00 Am at Tbilisi, we are already at 11:30 Am in India!

3) Georgian currency is called Lari (GEL), which is 26 times greater than Indian Rupee (INR)! I.e. One Lari is an equivalent of 26-Indian Rupees!!

4) As many assume "Republic of GEORGIA" is not a state in the USA but it was a state of the former 'USSR! However nowadays diplomatically it is closely associated with the 'Europe' and USA!

5) During winter the temperature goes down to 5 degrees Celsius and during night it may go down to minus Celsius! During Summer temperature may raise up to 35 degree Celsius! Between July-November its a very good time to visit Georgia!

6) As a tourist you may be very curious to see the ''Bridge of Peace'' [the one which is highlighted in all the tourist brochures and online advertisements] that is located in Tbilisi, Georgia. 
Here I have a suggestion for you and that is; visit ''The Bridge of Peace'' during day time when sun shines as well as during night when all the lights on the bridge glow like stars in the heaven!  

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